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Making Clothes Together

  • New Studio, New Workshops

    The first of our workshops will be "From Block to Pattern" on Saturday 25th November. 
  • Workshops on the Isle of Wight - Hosted by The Stitch Department

    If you are on the Isle of Wight why not join me for a fun pattern cutting workshop where you get to create a pattern from your favourite garment.Yo...
  • Using PDF Patterns

    I thought it might be useful to share the process of using PDF pattern files. If you are used to buying printed paper patterns rather than PDF vers...
  • Pattern Tester Shout Out! Now Closed

    Would you like to join our friendly pattern tester group? We are looking for a small number of sewers with a variety of sewing abilities and ages to join the group.
  • My London Fabric Trawl

    Join me on my trip to London in search of some new fabrics.